Dr. Anna M L Smith

Habits & Health episode 44 with Dr Anna Smith. She works as an NHS GP as well as working as a private acupuncturist and lifestyle health coach from her clinic at The Windrush Health Centre in Witney, Oxfordshire. She is also a Tiny Habits certified coach.

She has gained a Diploma in Lifestyle Medicine and is a Certified Lifestyle Physician and works as a Lifestyle Health Coach enabling health improvements with lifestyle changes.

She is a member of the General Medical Council, the Medical Protection Society, the British Medical Acupuncture Society, and the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine.

We cover a lot of ground in this episode including acupuncture, health coaching, tiny habits, GPs, nutrition...


Favourite Books :
Favourite Quote:
"A healthy lifestyle not only changes your body, it changes your mind, your attitude and your mood."
Don't forget, there is a transcript of every episode at tonywinyard.com

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Full shownotes including transcription available at:

Check out this episode!


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